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Tails and Tales Summer Reading 2021

In addition to our robust reading clubs the children's department has a summer chock full of amazing events and programs for all ages. We are excited to assist you in finding that just right summer read or audiobook that makes this season sing!

Grade 5-6 Challenge Overview

This summer our Summer Reading club for grades 4-6 is, "ESCAPING REALITY". We will be experincing anything but normal as we ride the 7 realms of weird. If being sucked into space, trapped in caverns or simply plunged into the watery depths is your idea of summer fun, this club is for you! Registration starts June 21st. This year we are having a online reading challenge to get you "riding the realms". To earn badges within our challenge, choose a few books from the 7 categories below or choose your own . Good luck!

OuterSpace-Kinda Quirky

Watery Depths-Something Funny

Inner Realm-Tear Jerkers

Realm of Fire-New Books

Icy Realm- Graphic Novels

Cloud Forest-All our stories

Badlands-Nothing but the Facts!

Explore This!

Which Superpower would you most like to have?
Mind Reading: 37 votes (45.12%)
Invisibility: 14 votes (17.07%)
Teleportation: 19 votes (23.17%)
Flying: 12 votes (14.63%)
Total Votes: 82