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Take and Make

Subjects: Adults, Creativity


Registered for Morse Institute Library's DIY Candles take-and-make kit? Look no further! Explore these videos and books from our catalog to get you started on your candle making journey!

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The Freedom Soy Wax is the type of wax included in your Take & Make kit. Melting instructions from the American Soy Organics website are:

  • Heat wax to 160 F
  • Mix in fragrance (up to 10%)
  • Pour into room-temperature jars
  • Give your candles plenty of time to cool, and avoid trying to cool too rapidly as this can cause shrinkage and occasional sink-holes to occur.
This wax is also microwavable!  Weigh out your Freedom Soy wax, place in a microwave-safe container, and microwave. Stir in fragrance and pour into your jar.

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