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What to Read Next

Need Help Finding a Good Book?

We want to help you find just the right book, manga, or comic to read - and we've got awesome resources that will help you find the right read.

  • Check out our custom booklists - yes, we have Manga & Comic booklists!
  • If you're in the library, check out our New Teen Books display!
  • You'll find GrabNGo copies of new Teen titles in the Teen New Books display - these are extra copies of hot new titles!
  • If you're still stuck, request a Book Fix so Teen Librarian Robin can select some great titles based on your preferences!

Request a Book Fix

What's a Book Fix? A custom selection of books based on your preferences (you fill out a online form), usually ready for pick up within three days. These items will be a surprise!

  • Teen Librarian Robin will select the books for you.
  • If Robin has pulled books for you before, tell her if you liked them or not - this will help her pick another round of books for you.
  • If you're looking for Manga or Comics, tell us!
  • Please note: the section you select in the form (Teen or Children's) will determine where your books are pulled from.

Ready? Go fill out the form!

Adventure Thrillers Teen Book List
Black Lives Matter Teen Book List
Books for Boys Teen Book List
Books to Make You Cry Teen Book List
Civil Rights Teen Book List
Dystopia Teen Book List
Faerie & Fairy Tales Teen Book List
Fantasy Teen Book List
Historical Fiction Teen Book List
Horror Teen Book List
Kidnapped & Missing Teen Book List
Love Teen Book List
Manga by Theme Teen Book List
Mysteries Teen Book List
Mythology Teen Book List
Own Voices Teen Book List
Queer Teen Book List
Queer Manga & Comics Teen Book List
Sci Fi Teen Book List
Sports Teen Book List
Supernatural Teen Book List
Trans* Teen Book List