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The Morse Institute Library Bookmobile visits neighborhoods, seniors, the Natick Labs, and community events. Bring your library card to check out books, audiobooks, bestseller speed reads, and DVDs for all ages.

We may cancel bookmobile visits in cases of bad weather, mechanical problems, or general safety concerns. For canceled neighborhood visits, we additionally email people on our mailing list. For canceled senior visits, we notify facility staff.


The Natick Libraries realize that there are certain circumstances that arise that can limit the ability to get out into the community. Natick residents who are temporarily or permanently confined to their homes due to illness, disability, or any other extenuating circumstance can apply for Home Delivery Services. This service is open to all ages.

How Does It Work?

Materials are dropped off outside [stoop, door, etc.]… just like Amazon.

We will also pickup any library materials returns, just leave them outside! No contact needed. 

Delivery service will be modified for those who live in an apartment or facility.

How Do I Apply?


  • Email us at
  • Fill out the online form:

By Phone

  • 508-647-6520 (Morse)
  • 508-653-6730 (Bacon)

Paper Form

  • Download and print this PDF form, then return it to the library. Paper forms available by request at the library.