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Kindness Week


What is World Kindness Week?

In 1998, the World Kindness Movement launched the first World Kindness Day. Over 28 nations are involved in the World Kindness Movement. Through the years, World Kindness Day evolved into an entire week of kindness. World Kindness Week is celebrated during the second week of November, beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday. The week incorporates World Kindness Day, which is held annually on November 13th.

Kindness is the quality of being friendly and considerate. Showing kindness goes a long way. Kindness helps others feel valued. Kindness also has benefits for the person being kind. These benefits include:

  • elevation of dopamine levels in the brain, which makes us feel good
  • the feeling of emotional warmth, which leads to a healthier heart
  • reduction in inflammation, which can slow the aging process
  • reduction of emotional distance, which helps couples feel more bonded
  • Contagiousness that often sets off a pay-it-forward ripple effect

Visit the Resources for Adults and Youth on the side of this page for the list of titles on our Kindness Month display.